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Rozmarin, Coriandru, Arbore de Ceai, Tamaie, Cardamom, Bergamota, Cedru Atlas Blend Uleiuri Esentiale – BODY, 30ml
97,00 lei
Sinergie Magica BODY is a blend of 7 organic essential oils of superior quality, this blend of essential oils has proven its therapeutic properties, with the role of a natural adjuvant in the case of physical and emotional pain, promotes a peaceful sleep, intensifies immunity and the state of well-being good, effective for reducing migraines and muscle pain.
„Ar trebui să faci bine trupului, pentru ca sufletul să aibă plăcere să locuiască în el.” (Winston Churchill)
Name of ingredients Essential Oils (INCI): Tea Tree (Melaleuca Alternifolia), Rosemary (Rosmarinus Officinails), Coriander (Corriandrum Sativum), Frankincense (Boswelia Serrata), Cardamom (Elettaria Cardamonum), Bergamot (Citrus Bergamia), Atlas Cedar (Cedrus Deodora), Vegetable Oil of Wheat Germ (Triticum Vulgare).
Quantity:30 ml
Certified Quality
Magical Synergy BODY contains high-quality organic essential oils, ORGANIC USFDA, WHO-GMP and ISO 9001:2015 certified..
? Black Agate Energy Bracelet ?
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Black Agate Energy Bracelet
Black Agate, has powerful magical properties known even in ancient Egypt. It is a crystal of empowerment and protection being associated with the Root Chakra, it is a stone of longevity, healing and fidelity in marriage. It attracts abundance in all areas of life, amplifies strength and perseverance, brings courage and success in competitions.
This crystal helps you face the difficult circumstances of life and removes blockages, heals emotional traumas, offering a sense of security and stimulating self-esteem! Black Agate helps relieve bone and joint pain, neck and shoulder pain and mobility problems, improves the nervous system, relieves insomnia, stress and depressive conditions.
In addition, Black Agate provides a positive mood of the spirit, harmonizes the state of the body's endocrine and immune system, keeps the body in balance, especially in old age. The Black Agate worn is like a sponge that absorbs all the negative external energy that is directed towards the owner of the stone, offering protection from evil spells, vampirism (energy).
The organic essential oils mixed in the blend Magical Synergy BODY are: Sinergie Magica BODY sunt:
- Tea Tree, the steam distillation extraction method of the leaves, is distinguished by its unmistakable intense medicinal aroma and is considered a natural antibiotic;
- Rosemary, the steam distillation extraction method of the flowers and leaves, is considered one of the oldest medicinal plants having a strong-fresh aroma and the property of natural tonic, antiseptic, antidepressant and digestive;
- Coriander, steam distillation extraction method of the seeds, with a fresh-sweet aroma has therapeutic antibacterial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties making it ideal for use in many natural remedies;
- Tamaie, the steam distillation method of extracting the oily resin of trees, being considered a holy essential oil by the ancient Egyptians with a woody aroma and antioxidant properties, calms nervous tension recommended for busy periods, states of depression and anxiety, being an excellent remedy for stimulating positive thoughts and approaching divinity;
- Cardamom, steam distillation extraction method of the seeds, has a spicy woody aroma that energizes the spirit, natural adjuvant for respiratory ailments and analgesic, anti-inflammatory and balancing property;
- Bergamot, cold-pressed extraction method of fruit peels, is the oil with a fresh-sweet citrus flavor, having therapeutic antidepressant property;
- Atlas Cedar, the extraction method steam distillation of wood, has an intense sweet woody aroma and the property of de-stressing nervous, relaxing, calms the body and rejuvenates the mind and spirit.
The vegetable oil used to dilute the synergy is Wheat Germ oil, extracted through cold pressing and containing vitamin E, a moisturizer and a powerful antioxidant that strengthens the immune system, increasing the body's resistance to disease and restoring hormonal balance due to the amount of vitamin E.
Essential Oils Ingredient name (INCI): Tea tree (Melaleuca Alternifolia), Rosemary (Rosmarinus Officinails), Coriander (Corriandrum Sativum), Frankincense (Boswelia Serrata), Cardamom (Elettaria Cardamonum), Bergamot (Citrus Bergamia), Atlas Cedar (Cedrus Deodora).
Vegetal Oil Ingredient name: Wheat Germ Vegetable Oil (Triticum Vulgare).
Directly on the skin, on the wrists, on the soles of the feet, where it is very quickly absorbed, due to the large pores found in this area, or locally where needed. It is recommended to use 4-5 drops in the bath water to create a state of intense relaxation for the soul.
Properties & Indications:
- This blend of essential oils is a powerful natural adjuvant for shingles, reducing itching and burning and cauterizing the open wound.
- Essential oils strengthen the immune system, this blend of essential oils is a natural adjuvant to fight flu and colds, helping the body to be more resistant to disease.
- Effective for premenstrual pain and the premenopausal or menopausal period, essential oils help the body adjust without unpleasant symptoms such as depression, nervousness, hot flashes, headaches or nausea.
- It is a powerful natural adjuvant for reducing the unpleasant sensations of Herpes
- Effects on the spirit: recommended for meditation sessions and massage sessions, has a stabilizing effect on energy levels, stimulates the development of a calm, harmonious spirit and instills positive thoughts and actions.
- This blend of essential oils combats weakness and fatigue and improves mood.
- Essential oils combat stress and give emotional balance.
- The natural formula of this blend of essential oils helps to improve health, soothing and anti-inflammatory action.
- Blend-ul BODY de uleiuri esentiale organice are un efect energizant si este un adjuvant natural pentru creșterea protectiei împotriva factorilor de mediu nefavorabili si daunatori.
- Formulated rich in plant extracts, essential oils promote long-lasting hydration, emollient and relaxing effect.
- Natural adjuvant for the relief of muscle aches and painful joints
- Pleasant-smelling natural adjuvant with organic ingredients that removes mosquitoes and other stinging insects.
Do not use in children under 7; Do not use in pregnant or lactating women; Do not use before exposure to the sun; Avoid eye contact; Leave out of the reach of children; Do not use internally; Do not use in people allergic to wheat. Do not use by people with Celiac disease; To identify possible allergies, please apply for the first time on the skin in the elbow area; if irritation occurs, please stop applying it on the skin. Dilution: 3%
This blend of essential oils keeps below 25℃, in dark and cool places, away from moisture and light. Shake before use.
This product is not a medicine. If you have or suspect you have a health problem, contact your doctor urgently.
1 review for Rozmarin, Coriandru, Arbore de Ceai, Tamaie, Cardamom, Bergamota, Cedru Atlas Blend Uleiuri Esentiale – BODY, 30ml
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Florina Lazu (verified owner) –
Am cumparat acest blend pentru ca mi-a aparut zona zoster si dupa ce am incercat creme din farmacie, iritatia revenea la loc, am vrut sa incerc si ceva natural si aceste uleiuri mi-au dat incredere pentru ca sunt certificate organic.
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